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JPLAY playback cannot be played with a remote app


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#1 HKJ



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Posted 10 July 2024 - 03:48 PM

Bubble Upnp(Android)では
レンダラーにJPlay Femtoを選択、
PC上でJPLAY FEMTOSERVERサービスが停止するか、応答しなくなたりします。
「JPlay Femto.exe」と「JPlay.exe」が許可されます。
EDIT: Translated via Google:
I am writing here because I have not received a response even after 20 days since contacting support.

Currently, I am using Windows 11 Single PC settings.

You can play it with JPlaymini without any problems, but

In Bubble Upnp (Android)

Select JPlay Femto as the renderer,
Select JPLAY FEMTOSERVER in library

Album art → Select song, "This folder is empty."

Unable to play.

If you repeat it many times
JPLAY FEMTOSERVER service stops or becomes unresponsive on your PC.

Similar errors occur with other apps such as Hi-FICAST and FIDATA.

"Windows Firewall Application Permissions"

"JPlay Femto.exe" and "JPlay.exe" are allowed.

JPlaymini has the best sound quality, but it is inconvenient.

Can someone please tell me how to solve it?

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#2 BernieK


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Posted 10 July 2024 - 11:46 PM

Hi HKJ and welcome to the Forum.


The control points use network connections. JPLAY mini does not use a network connection. The problem seems to be related to the network. For example, there may be an occasional loss of connection.


Can you provide more information about your network setup please. Snapshots of your JPLAY registry settings and your ipconfig window would also help.






Via Google translate:


コントロール ポイントはネットワーク接続を使用します。JPLAY mini はネットワーク接続を使用しません。問題はネットワークに関連しているようです。たとえば、接続が時々失われることがあります。
ネットワーク設定について、さらに情報を提供してください。JPLAY レジストリ設定と ipconfig ウィンドウのスナップショットも役立ちます。

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Control Point: Apple iPad (9th gen), 64Gb storage, 3Gb RAM, JPLAY for iOS 1.2.4; Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, 128Gb storage, 4Gb RAM, Bubble UPnP 4.4.8; Dell Inspiron 15 5510 laptop (Windows 11 Professional (x64) Version 23H2 (build 22631.4169), Intel Core i7-11390H, 2.93 GHz, 512Gb KIOXIA M2 PCIe NVMe (RAID) SSD, 16Gb DDR4 3200 MHz RAM), Upplay 1.8.1.

Control and Audio-PCs: Asus Mini PC PN60, Intel Core i5 8250U 1.6 GHz, 250Gb Kingston A2000 M2 NVMe SSD and 8Gb DDR4 2400 MHz RAM.

OS: Windows Server 2019 (Standard Edition) in highly optimized Desktop mode, command prompt shell for initial setup after which Control and Audio-PCs run headless (monitor, keyboard, mouse all disconnected).
Optimization: Audiophile Optimizer 3.0, TrustedClean 3.1b-server on RAM Disk (Control-PC and Audio-PC - automated RAM Disk creation procedure and TC settings as in my RAM Disk Guide, revised 16 January 2025), Process Lasso Server Edition, additional Windows processes/services stopped via registry editor, task manager and modified CAD DSK script (for complete procedure see my WS2019 Optimization Guiderevised 16 January 2025).

Renderer: JPLAY FEMTO 7.0D UPnP (Alternative version), Server: JPLAY FEMTO 7.0D femtoServer, File Manager: Q-Dir 11.99, Library Manager: JRiver MC 32.0.6.
JPLAY Settings: Playing via: KS, Engine: ULTRAstream, Bitstream: Native, Bitperfect Volume: OFF, DAC Link: 1000, XtreamSize: 1000, Throttle: ON, Hibernate Mode: ON.

Equipment ConfigurationTablet/Laptop > WiFi > Control-PC > 1m SUPRA Cat 8 Ethernet Cable > Audio-PC > 3m Chord C-USB Cable > Topping D90SE > 1m Chord Chameleon Plus XLR cables with Neutrik connectors > Rotel RC 1590 > 2m Mogami NEGLEX XLR cables with Neutrik connectors > March Audio P501 Monoblocks with Purifi 1ET7040SA modules > Van Den Hul CS-122 Hybrid speaker cables (Neotech banana/spade connectors) > Bryston PX-1 external crossovers > speaker cables (as before) > Bryston Model T Signature Speakers. AC power filtered/cleaned via Thor A12BF Smart Power Board. 

Music Storage: Main Library: 6Tb Seagate HDD/Hub+6Tb Seagate HDD (all connections via 0.5m Avencore Premium USB 3.0 cables); Backups (x2): as per Main Library.

#3 pop pop

pop pop


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Posted 18 August 2024 - 10:25 AM







Translated by deep


I am writing here because it is the same as HKJ.

How should we set up the network connection so that there are no problems?
Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.

#4 Marcin_gps


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Posted 19 August 2024 - 03:30 PM

There are no special settings required apart that both PC running JPLAY FEMTO and mobile device running remote app must be in the same subnet. 


If PC is running a firwewall/antivirus then JPLAY.exe and JPLAYfemto.exe should be added to exceptions. 


In rare cases it is possible that a router blocks UPnP. Please check your router manual then. 


Best regards,


JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app. 

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#5 pop pop

pop pop


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Posted 22 August 2024 - 05:35 AM



>If PC is running a firwewall/antivirus then JPLAY.exe and JPLAYfemto.exe should be added to exceptions. 
>In rare cases it is possible that a router blocks UPnP. Please check your router manual then. 
a router blocks UPnPの件ですが、ルーターでUPnPが適用になっているのを確認しました。
OS:windows11 home
deepl translation
dear Marcin_gps
Thank you for your response.
Regarding the firewall, we have made an exception for JPLAY.exe and JPLAYfemto.exe. It has been confirmed.
Regarding a router blocks UPnP, we have confirmed that UPnP is applied on the router.
OS:windows11 home
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
Any hints would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
pop pop

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Bubble Upnp, JPLAY FEMTO, Hi-FICAST

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