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JPlay IOS, MinimServer on iMac, SoTM sMS-200 ultra

JPLAY MinimServer SoTM

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#1 Sng2023



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Posted 29 November 2023 - 07:51 AM



I have been trying out JPlay app on an iPad as a control point for MinimServer which runs on an iMac. the SoTM is set for MPD & DLNA. I don’t  have anything else in the software chain. I’m investigating this configuration as an alternative to Roon which I have using for a couple of years.


I am satisfied that the configuration works. However, there are some things that make me wonder about the stability of JPlay on IOS. Often I will play an album and just sit back and enjoy the experience. During this time I would not have touched the JPlay screen and my iPad will go into screen saving or sleep. The problem is JPlay will lose synchronisation with MinimServer and not know where in the track I am currently listening to. In fact it can show a track that was played some time ago and will not resync to get the current position. I have tried tapping on virtually every button on the interface and nothing can bring it to resync except to terminate the app and restart. Why is this happening and how can I get it to resync?


Secondly, the way JPlay uses metadata is quite different from JRiver, Audirvana or Roon. With these other apps the Artist field has precedence and if it contains multiple names JRiver & Audirvana will sort using their combined names however JPlay will treat each name in the field (high are comma separated) as a different artist. It means the same album appears multiple times. This is quite annoying to me😁 Roon of course does it differently and somehow has the intelligence to work out the album and its contents and artists very effectively even if the metadata is badly formed.

Thirdly, my database contains many copies of the same album (I keep them around as they often are different masterings). Roon will present the version with the best resolution and hide the others under Versions. JPlay will simply show them as different albums. It would be nice if JPlay could do something similar to Roon.


Lastly, for now 😁, it would be nice if JPlay could display the sampling rate of the album on the main page rather than when playing the album. Also, it would help if JPlay could display the dynamic range fields somewhere. 

Both Roon & JPlay use a subscription based model which is your commercial decision. It would be great if you could also offer your app as an outright purchase with lifetime upgrades (?) so that we don’t have to keep worrying about ongoing charges. 

Any help on how to solve these will be appreciated. Thanks.  

#2 Marcin_gps


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Posted 29 November 2023 - 03:00 PM

Hello and welcome, 


Thank you for the report.


Regarding the issue, can you please enable logs in the app's settings, reproduce the issue and send me the log file via email?

Regarding artists, please try this workaround: https://audiophilest...comment=1252478
We are showing all versions of the album, I'll discuss your request with my partner. 
We are showing HR / CD or DSD icon. I'm afraid that showing full details would ruin the design. 
We will consider offering lifetime purchase option.
Best regards,

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#3 dootago



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Posted 30 November 2023 - 03:53 AM

블루투스 기능을 추가해주세요
그리고 듀얼오디오컴 사용자를 위해 AMD CPU 사용자를 설명하는 부분도 있습니다.
음악 작업을 방해하는 문제가 발생하면 발생합니다.


추가적인 문제가 있다고 생각합니다.
비디오 카드 또는 비디오 카드의 주소를 터치하면
iPad에서 JPLAY IOS를 사용하면 JPLAY FEMTO 제어 컴퓨터가 화면에 표시됩니다.
충돌이 발생합니다. JPLAY IOS를 종료하면 일반 화면으로 돌아갑니다.
MCOONNEDHD를 사용하는 경우에는 문제가 없습니다.


오래된 iPad에서 MAX 음악을 자랑스럽게 할 수 있는 양을 구성합니다.
현재 MCONNECDHD의 경우 메모리 주전자가 작은 아이패드와
MAX MUSIC이 함께 플레이하게 됩니다. 이 점을 염두에 두시면 되는 것입니다.

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#4 Sng2023



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Posted 01 December 2023 - 08:03 AM



Thanks. I’ve enabled the log. It happened again. I was playing John Williams/Anne Sophie Mutter in Vienna. The track being played was Hedwigs Theme but JPlay told me it was playing Donnybrook Fair. I want to run the test again over the weekend and provide more results just to make sure I’ve not made a mistake. I will attach a screen capture to show you what happened this time. 


By the way, how do I clear the queue in JPlay iOS?



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#5 Sng2023



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Posted 02 December 2023 - 03:33 AM

Hello Marcin, I’m sorry I did not proof read before I sent the last post and got your name wrong. Auto spell check can be a real nuisance. 


#6 Sng2023



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Posted 02 December 2023 - 05:50 AM



I had logs on and similar problem occurred. I left my iPad alone for a while, then went back to it and found it was displaying one thing (Harry’s Wonderful World) but a different track (Theme from Jurassic Park) was playing. I’m attaching a screen grab and the log file.

please don’t think it’s only happening to these John Williams albums😁 because it’s occurred with other albums as well.





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#7 Carmelo



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Posted 21 December 2023 - 04:12 PM

I've been doing tests for days but I can't get jplay app to work correctly in streaming, I even bought the jcat net femto. With Qobuz in the middle of the track it goes to the next randomly, or if the track ends it goes to the next but without changing the state of the page, another problem the track ends and it always repeats the same one, the same thing happens to a friend of mine with Tidal, I I think there is some problem after the last update 🤔😓

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: JPLAY, MinimServer, SoTM

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