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For sale; various Jcat items & other accessories

Jcat USB XE Jcat 5V battery supplies Jcat Optimo Nano HD Plex Isoacoustics

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#1 timd



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Posted 08 November 2023 - 03:27 PM


I’m selling these items as I recently upgraded to the Xact S1 so I no longer need these.

Pricing does not include postage.


I’m happy to consider a package price for multiple items bought together.


PM me if interested.





Jcat USB XE  Less than 1 yr old    £425.00  1 unit available






Jcat - Bakoon Satri Power Supply BPS-02  To be tested prior to sale to confirm load & voltage.  £200.00   2 units available





ghent audio screened Gotham ATX cable/ 24 pin  700mm.  £35.00. 1 unit available




Original Jcat Sata cable.  400mm.  £175.00. 2 units available




Jcat optimo power supplies,  With cables in photos. £200.00.  2 units available




HD Plex 250W Hi Fi DC ATX Power Supply.  With cables in photos. 19V dc input.  £80.00  1 unit available





Iso Acoustics Gaia 2.  £170.00.  2 sets of 4, £170.00,  each set.




iSO Acoustics Gaia 2 Carpet disks.  £30.00. 2 sets of 4.  £30.00, each set.








Attached File  HD Plex PSU.jpg   441.08KB   2 downloadsAttached File  Isoacoustics GAIA 2 carpet spikes.jpg   318.22KB   1 downloadsAttached File  Isoacoustics GAIA 2.1.jpg   215.69KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Isoacoustics GAIA 2.jpg   360.8KB   0 downloadsAttached File  Isoacoutics GAIA 2 carpet spikes.2.jpg   336.14KB   2 downloadsAttached File  Jcat - Bakoon Satri Power Supply BPS-02 .2.jpg   245.58KB   3 downloadsAttached File  Jcat - Bakoon Satri Power Supply BPS-02.jpg   290.96KB   1 downloadsAttached File  JCAT USB XE 1.jpg   364.45KB   1 downloadsAttached File  JCAT USB XE 2.jpg   210.92KB   1 downloadsAttached File  JCAT USB XE.jpg   363.64KB   1 downloads

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