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Windows 11 PE Audiophile Creation Guide

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#561 samotc


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Posted 27 February 2023 - 07:43 AM



Another alternative, should this fail, would be to try to load audioserv and AudioEndpointBuilder with pecmd.ini., as reflected in the _SUB AudioInit section:
//SERV -wait Audiosrv (audio service already started)
// Install HDAudio driver sound cards
DEVI %WinDir%\inf\hdaudio.inf
WAIT 250
// Adjust the volume (windows default 67%) ex: 65535*33% = 21626 (Uncommented if mute is not selected). Volume changed according to "System Volume At Startup" interface value
EXEC=!%WinDir%\System32\nircmd.exe setsysvolume 21626
// Play Startup sound (Commented if mute is selected)
EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\mpg123.exe -q %SystemRoot%\Media\startup.mp3
// Start NonVisual Desktop Access after Audio (Uncommented By NVDA Plugin)
//EXEC @!%WinDir%\System32\NVDA_Startup.cmd
Keep in mind that to start Ultralite with pecmd.exe/pecmd.ini you must modify the registry by changing the key HKLM\SYSTEM\SETUP\CmdLine: "winpeshl" to "Pecmd.exe Main %Windir%\system32\Pecmd.ini"
Good luck and be useful, best regards

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#562 seeteeyou


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Posted 27 February 2023 - 09:58 AM

If we weren't really getting anywhere with WASAPI whatsoever, hopefully something like this would be somewhat helpful.


As I mentioned before, quite a few lists of packages were created while we're focusing on winpe.txt (i.e. Ultralite version from a6296c5a6eec9ca02b431ed0461b952d.cab) and winre.txt (i.e. \Windows\Recovery\winre.wim extracted from sources\install.wim) right now.




Only 6 out of 409 packages should have something to do with audio according to winpe.txt







Then we'll take a look at winre.txt and 2 extra packages were found





Besides, winre.txt was also showing 8 additional packages that could be useful





Finally 4 more packages from winre.txt were found







In other words, there were only 6 packages from winpe.txt and then 8 + 8 + 4 = 20 packages from winre.txt respectively.


Let's see if we're able to extract those 20 - 6 = 14 packages from winre.txt and then add them to winpe.txt afterwards.


#563 seeteeyou


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Posted 01 March 2023 - 02:19 AM

Maybe here's why we're having better luck with WASAPI when the image was created by Win10XPE



As Win10XPE is based upon WinRE... We have had no issues with using the Basic MS - Display, Audio, Wifi, Ethernet, Storage, etc. Drivers included with Windows.........


That means we could consider this as an alternative



Find winre.wim in C:\Recovery\WindowsRE\ OR C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\ and paste it as boot.wim.


Then we'll take advantage of this afterwards




I was unable to download NSudo, so i download ExecTI & cbsenum-0.9, they work just fine together.
Uninstalled all the crap i wanted to, just fine.


#564 samotc


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Posted 02 March 2023 - 11:08 AM

I have removed F2k, BugHead, DSDTranscoder, and the ASIO drivers (DIYNHK and IFIUSBAUDIO), and the resulting size of the Win11 PE_MINIMAL boot.wim is 93.4 MB, so I think the goal of getting below 100 MB is achieved.
Reflecting a bit, I'm wondering why Windows has to be so big (Windows 11 "Normal" occupies almost 30 GB) when with only 93.4 MB it can work?
why is this ms windows policy getting more bloated?
Not only for audio, I have also built a "rescue" one with MS Office 2007 installed and network printing support, VideoLan, and other apps and utilities, some installed, not portable, . which does not occupy more than 600 MB.
After all, an OS should only be built to run applications, it is a means, not an end in itself.
Therefore, we only need the OS that runs the applications we want to use, and if possible with the minimum possible size (less consumption of resources, memory, disk, CPU...)
  I think that with the idea and in the end the construction of PE Audiophile, many doors have been opened, and each one will decide whether to cross them or not, to see what is behind them.
Greetings to all.

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#565 ts8


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Posted 02 March 2023 - 11:43 AM

Do you know that US military in the 50s have began with an armoured personal carrier and ended up with a big gun tank with wings!

Truly American style!
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Intel NUC 11th Gen i5/i7 32GB Ram each ramBoot. JPlaymini 6.2D


Useful ES link: http://jplay.eu/foru...-261#entry65640

#566 seeteeyou


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Posted 03 March 2023 - 04:28 AM

Here's a (long) list of reasons why we should stay away from bloated Windows 10 / 11 / Server etc.


We could always keep going with that list, though it's gonna get quite boring after a little while IMHO.
The entire situation should be way beyond ridiculous to say the least, that's why both Senate and Congress were pointing their fingers at Micro$oft after Bloomberg reported that QA testers were getting the pink slip.
A former employee explained everything in details:
In other words, we're always handed the short end of the stick on a silver platter. Apparently we're treated more like lab rats since they've got 10 millions (and counting?) of beta testers for absolutely free. Not to mention the fact that we're being spied on thanks to the gift that keeps on giving called Telemetry.
Heck, no Telemetry whatsoever if we're running Windows PE on a daily basis. I guess that's the whole point of learning more about how to build our own version of PE then?
They've got tons of Features on Demand (FODs) in addition to their Inbox Apps.
Stuff like .NET Framework and PowerShell etc. would also occupy some space.
Lots of device drivers were bundled by default, though they're supposed to be relatively small to begin with.
Then we've got Windows Update each and every month, the size of WinSxS would keep growing for obvious reasons.

#567 robpisa



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Posted 03 March 2023 - 06:36 AM



This tool cbsenum that you pointed seems to be amazing, as it is a sort of packet manager for Windows like in Linux (and it written in Pascal....).


My understand that it should help a lot to reduce WinSxS. Are you aware of a similar tool to reduce SysWOW64?


Thanks you



P.S. It seems so, I missed your previous post #446


Then we'll take advantage of this afterwards





#568 seeteeyou


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Posted 03 March 2023 - 09:39 AM



Yes, that's exactly how they're getting things done these days


Component-Based Servicing is a technology since Windows Vista which most resembles Linux-style package managers. It builds upon WinSxS (Side by side assemblies) to allow installation, deinstallation and updating of numerous Windows components independently.
It presents a moderately componentized view into Windows and allows uninstalling parts of system which outside of Windows Embedded were previously seen as monolithic.
In Windows, this technology is hidden from general public. There's a command-line tool dism.exe to manage CBS packages, but most packages are marked as hidden even from DISM.


Basically it's pretty much like the GUI version of this, just a matter of unhiding lots of packages or else we wouldn't be able to touch them in the first place
Windows Package Manager
Windows Package Manager CLI (aka winget)
WingetUI: A GUI for Winget, Scoop and Chocolatey
NuGet documentation
Client Tools for NuGet
They also have separate package management systems for other software categories as shown above, while CBS should be meant for their built-in packages.
For UWP-related (Universal Windows Platform) packages that could be found on their official Microsoft Store, usually we could get them manually like this
Language and Optional Features (i.e. Features on Demand) as well as Inbox Apps could be found on either UUP dump or extracted from official ISO images
Now we know why Windows 10 / 11 / Server etc. would be such a heavyweight champion
Whenever we could find any packages with WOW64, they should be removed from that SysWOW64 folder after unininstalling them with CBSEnum.
We could notice the difference by taking a look at the following example


#569 robpisa



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Posted 03 March 2023 - 05:30 PM

Thank you seeteeyou, very helpful!



P.S. Now I understand, winget reminds me apt-get under Linux :)





Yes, that's exactly how they're getting things done these days



#570 Jack7878



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Posted 06 March 2023 - 05:49 AM

我正在寻找英文版的 Windows 10 LTSC 2019 Build 17763.3653 Update 2022-11,我只能找到中文版。


I am also looking for Windows 10 LTSC 2019 Build 17763.3653 Update 2022-11 in English, please let me know if you find it, and there is also ChatGPT in English, I am also looking for

#571 seeteeyou


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Posted 06 March 2023 - 06:56 AM

Even the size of each and every official Windows PE version just kept growing over the years, that's only under 200MB back in 2006 while it's getting very close to 300MB in 2023.
Vista RTM = 177,433,060 bytes
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2006-11-02 08:42:22 ....A    177433060               F3_WINPE.WIM


Vista SP1 = 201,179,410 bytes

curl -N -r 519776256-1176507204 -o winpe.cab https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/d/9cdfa30e-5901-40e4-b6bf-4a0086ea0a6a/6001.18000.080118-1840-kb3aikl_en.iso
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2008-01-23 10:04:32 ....A    201179410               F3_WINPE.WIM


7 RTM = 135,115,506 bytes 

curl -N -r 640526336-1086964920 -o WinPE.cab https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/E/9/8E9BBC64-E6F8-457C-9B8D-F6C9A16E6D6A/KB3AIK_EN.iso
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2009-07-13 20:13:34 ....A    135115506               F3_WINPE.WIM


7 SP1 = 135,464,046 bytes 

curl -N -r 1548288-137012333 -o WINPE.WIM https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/4/C/04C805CC-4C04-4D76-BE80-7D67B951CF73/waik_supplement_en-us.iso
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2010-11-20 16:15:44 .....    135464046               AMD64\WINPE.WIM


8 = 165,629,257 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2012-07-25 23:26:18 ....A    165629257               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


8.1 = 176,787,265 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2013-08-22 07:02:24 ....A    176787265               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1507 = 217,370,903 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2015-07-10 04:32:00 ....A    217370903               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1511 = 212,505,063 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2015-10-30 00:16:18 ....A    212505063               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1607 = 222,718,557 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2016-07-16 05:41:02 ....A    222718557               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1703 = 234,670,849 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2017-03-18 14:46:26 ....A    234670849               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1709 = 244,737,938 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2017-09-29 06:39:34 ....A    244737938               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1803 = 252,250,630 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2018-04-11 15:14:36 ....A    252250630               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1809 = 263,406,883 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2018-09-14 23:39:36 ....A    263406883               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


1903 = 264,950,382 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-03-18 20:57:34 ....A    264950382               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


2004 = 267,703,373 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2019-12-06 22:58:34 ....A    267703373               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


Server 2022 = 291,185,961 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-05-08 01:56:50 ....A    291185961               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


11 21H2 = 297,338,184 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2021-06-05 05:34:22 ....A    297338184               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


11 22H2 = 303,300,539 bytes

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-05-06 22:39:18 ....A    303300539               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


Validation OS = 195,506,152 bytes

curl -N -r 729088-196235239 -o ValidationOS.wim https://software-static.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/888969d5-f34g-4e03-ac9d-1f9786c66749/22621.1.220506-1250.ni_release_amd64fre_en-us_VALIDATIONOS.iso
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-05-07 05:57:44 .....    195506152               ValidationOS.wim


11 Insider Preview 25309 = 310,709,881 bytes

curl -N -r 1269383168-1579186954 -o a6296c5a6eec9ca02b431ed0461b952d.cab https://opendirectory.luzea.de/Enthousiast/25309_IP_TB_KiTS/Windows_Preinstallation_Environment_en-us_25309.iso
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2023-02-25 11:02:30 ....A    310709881               filad61cf00c94775125d186add4ac43371


Thankfully we could still get that reduced so it's actually less than 100MB these days.

#572 samotc


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Posted 07 March 2023 - 11:29 AM

First of all, I want to mention my surprise at the difference in sound when booting the usb flashdrive in Ventoy mode (ISO to RAM or WIM) Grub4DOS (ISO to RAM) and Windows BCD (WIM)
By far the best-sounding is the G4D, then BCD Windows, and finally Ventoy (sounds downright awful).
Another fact that I have verified is that the difference between F2k and BH (Infinity Blade) is very small, always in favor of Infinity Blade, but I have updated the Bass libraries that this program contains, and the improvement has been very evident, now Infinity Blade sounds much better than F2k.
The dlls of the bass library can be downloaded from here:
Anyway, I don't understand why these differences between G4D, BCD, and Ventoy, nor why the latter sounds so bad.

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#573 zaurux


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Posted 07 March 2023 - 01:56 PM

I am thinking of upgrading my audio server (i7 12th generation) and therefore reinstalling a system.
My W10 LTSC is very optimized and works very well (30 processes, low latency, etc...).
I can start again on the same basis but this WinPE interests me.
On the other hand, to take the 29 pages, I got lost several times...
So, it is not possible to have a simple image to install on a key, a basic howto to add Roon, HQPlayer, Processlasso, Minority, TightVNC... and that's all !!! ...  :P  uh, no,  Totalcommander & Run-Command, too !!

ROON + HQP / Hdplex H3-i5 + 400ATX > Gustard A26 (DSD direct) > SQM > Benchmark AHB2 / Recital Audio Illumine 

#574 mos777



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Posted 09 March 2023 - 11:03 AM

samotc Hello! Can you tell me where in our larger thread there was a detailed discussion how to do it of G4D to RAM ? And what version of BH are you using?

#575 samotc


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Posted 09 March 2023 - 01:10 PM

@ mos777:


1. Answering your first question:
Passing ISO to RAM is very easy.
A. Install G4D on the USB flashdrive that we want to use.
B. Copy the files grldr and grldr.mbr (contained in the program folder) to the root of the USB flashdrive
C. Open a text editor (notepad or other) and add the following:
color blue/green yellow/red white/magenta white/magenta
timeout nn
default /default
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /NAME_ISO.iso
map --top --mem /NAME_ISO.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)
Once this is done, save the file as menu.lst in the root of the USB, the ISO file here is in the root of the USB, if it is in another place, put the full path to where the ISO file is located.
nn is the time in seconds you want it to wait before booting.
I recommend this version: grub4dos-0.4.6a-2021-08-13
It can be downloaded from here:
It can also be done with flatboot.vhd, but it requires installing the signed SVBus drivers, and it doesn't provide any advantage, not sonic either.
2. In response to your second question:
I use BH 7.27, it's very old, but I've tried others, and I like them less. I use it in portable mode and with the minimum to work, only Infinity Blade and the bass libraries, and the *.dat files of the application, I deleted everything else.
I hope it works for you, greetings.
NOTE: Remember that G4D only works on MBR and BIOS/CSM.
You have to format the flash drive in NTFS/FAT32 as a PRIMARY and ACTIVE partition.

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#576 seeteeyou


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Posted 09 March 2023 - 04:21 PM

FYI - older versions of BH could still be found on Google Drive and all credits go to the author of his original forum post AntonKhonin




If we weren't brought to the exact forum post linked above, simply look for Опубликовано 29 сентября, 2019 (i.e. 29 September, 2019) on page 302 instead.




I already verified the hash value of BH 7.27 (i.e. package_20160616_Bughead_x64.zip) available on Google Drive, fortunately it's a perfect match when compared to what the developer posted back in 2016








Direct links to download the latest BASS audio library


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#577 seeteeyou


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Posted 13 March 2023 - 12:43 PM

Anyway, I don't understand why these differences between G4D, BCD, and Ventoy, nor why the latter sounds so bad.


After going through quite a few Chinese / Russian / Turkish forums, even more alternatives were found.




First one is called "XORBOOT" from Pauly and he's also the developer of BOOTICE, I didn't realize what that was until I read something about "Multiboot Collection" as well as "MultiBoot Utility"






Here's a link to version 0.65 for BIOS









0.80 for UEFI and 0.73 for BIOS, followed by XORBOOT UEFI 0.25










Another one is called "AIO Boot NewGen" and it's based on GRUB 2





I assume that's a relatively easy way to give GRUB 2 a try without having to read the official documentation, at some point we might simply pick an example and then learn more about how to get GRUB 2 working manually.


And then we also have another version from a1ive a.k.a. wintoflash





Grub2Win is available here


Eventually we'll move on to the official version of GRUB 2 for Windows instead of relying on 3rd party software





Boot WinPE EFI form GRUB2 CD/DVD









Booting BOOTMGR from syslinux/UBCD?


UBCD 5.0 - Vista RE, Multiple WIMs, OS Install/Diagnostics


RMPrepUSB - 62 - Chainload syslinux from grub4dos/grub/grub2 and vice versa


Use syslinux to create an integrated USB flash drive for DOS, winpe, and slax Linux


Many instructions for "SYSLINUX" should have mentioned the file ldntldr.bin and that's part of grubutils, it's also available from the author for G4D



Previous versions of grubutils




For some reasons "SYSLINUX" wasn't updated for several years already, the latest version of syslinux64.exe could be found inside syslinux-6.03.zip




Official documentation



FYI - here's an interesting example





Similar stuff from beatfan







Finally we could actually add "wimboot" to G4D in order to boot off any *.wim files directly (stored on local drives) without having to create any *.iso images






Other examples would support network booting as well





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#578 rdok



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Posted 17 March 2023 - 01:52 PM

Hi Samotec or anyone else,


Thank you for all the information in this thread. I found the courage to try for myself, though I am not that familiar with Windows,

I succesfully created  a bootable USB stick and a VHD, But after the Bootice BCD step I got lost.

In the pdf on the first post Samotec writes;
"Edit on the Boot\BCD the bootfile to:

\windows\system32\boot\winload.exe for MBR/CSM booting"

and a similar line for UEFI booting.


What is meant by that?
I tried editing the bcd file entering just the \windows... line


replacing the bcd fie by a link to \windows....

but both didn't work,


When restarting the PC I now get the choice between Windows10 and winPE but the latter won't start or starts the home Windows10 installation.


Help would be much appreciated!


#579 svet



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Posted 17 March 2023 - 03:23 PM

Hello, please some help. Following the manual of samotc, I imported registries twice via Windows PE Strelec in a USB
Pen that contains my Win11XPE
. But on the last import, the Win11XPE at startup starts endless loading. I don't know how to restore the registries from before this import. I also have two Registry
Snapshots via RegistryChangesWiew.

#580 internethandle


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Posted 17 March 2023 - 08:01 PM

Can you provide more information? Were you trying to import in order to install drivers for your audio device//DAC? How far along are you in creation of PE? Does the same boot.wim that is not booting via USB stick (after putting back into a ISO with UltraISO) booting okay in VHD flatboot?

If you are early enough in the process of creating XPE, it may be easiest to just start over or otherwise just go back to your most recent VHD flatboot/create a new flatboot from the ISO you first created with the WinXPE program and try again.

It is always a good idea, in my experience with PE, to create a copy of the VHD I am working on (even if it is just before I transfer to USB boot) so that if I make a change I can just go back to the VHD (flatboot) that I know booted okay.

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