I guess that maybe it's somewhat easier to change the location of JPLAY rather than dealing with the default drive letter of %SystemDrive% then?
Then, I opened up regedit and searched for "JPLAY" with CTRL+F, and used F3 to cycle through all of the results. I changed every instance of C:\JPLAY to X:\JPLAY, except a few. The ones I didn't change were the ones relating to the Start Menu, the Compatibility Assistant ones that are in binary format, and the ones that don't have a drive letter (e.g. "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\JPLAY\JPLAYSettings.exe") that are also in binary format. Everything else I changed. There are filepaths that show up multiple times, like "c:\jplay\jplaydriver64.dll", but I found that after you change one the first time, the repeats get changed automatically. This process of editing the registry only takes 5 minutes or so.
It could be quite helpful to go through the entire post linked above.
SetDrive.zip should be dated July 2007 and not sure if that were still any good after a decade and half?
Well I needed it for a project immediately, so I wrote a small script. Just give it the drive letter your drive mounts as in Windows, the path to setupreg.hiv and the drive letter you want it to mount as in the WinPE.
It reads the registry value for the requested drive, loads the hive and creates the registry key for the new drive letter. Then unloads the hive.
It did what I needed it to do. Hope it helps someone out. Script is written in Autoit because I am not a 1337 coder. Thanks again to MedEvil for the method.
In RTM/SP1 it would float to the next available driver letter, but with SP2 the drive letter in WinPE is hard coded to X:, there are no options to change this behavior.
I can't believe MS would hardcode the drive letter so deeply that it can not be changed, I know with the intruduction of WMI the registry needs a hardcoded reference, but surely this can be dynamic up to the point of creating the RAM Drive, even if this means rebuilding the sdi.
Quite a few forum threads were started over the years, not sure if they're still relevant?
This particular one seemed to have something to do with modifying a file called SETUPLDR.BIN
Basically I spent (or more like wasted?) quite a bit of time on that stuff while in the end I just didn't even wanna bother with any of that.
I could be totally wrong, PECMD should be created by quite a few different guys from China
Usually I would download the latest Insider Preview version of ADK from Microsoft on a weekly basis, then extracted the official Windows PE image that could be found inside the ISO image
No PECMD whatsoever, though it's still always showing X: as %SystemDrive% after all these years.
Following these same steps with Win 11 XPE (22000.384) complete failure ----> WinXShell error: "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper."
If Win 10 XPE were still OK while 64-bit version of foobar2000 2.X might not work very well under Win 11 XPE at all, maybe we shouldn't spend too much time on troubleshooting at this point because *THE* most important RAM-Disk component still didn't get any updates yet
I found the following post on AS and Nsxturbo ordered his Taiko Audio SGM Extreme a few months ago
Yeah, two of the 12core Xeons as opposed to the 10 core. I’ve heard they are a little more incisive than the 10 core, but that has never been an issue for me with the SET amps. And now using Bughead Emperor music player with no network connection and Majority Clean and Lemonade(Pretty rudimentary user interface, but great sounding) playing through my new Lampizator Horizon DAC with a great tube complement, I really can’t see how the Taiko Extreme server can improve on this very much.
I’m really most interested in going to the Extreme for all the upcoming proprietary Software, User interface and interesting Hardware solutions coming down the road. It doesn’t hurt that Emile has some pretty incredible systems on hand to test everything he and his team come up with, plus a wealth of customers with a wide variety of state of the art systems.
I am also very curious to have a direct comparison to see how well we have done with our DIY highly optimized servers compared to certainly one of the top commercially available servers available today!
Maybe we could simply stick with the latest version of Bug head Nontallion since it's still being improved on a regular basis, while the 64-bit version of
SounDevil could also be yet another viable alternative
Soundevil newest 64bit coding to utilize multicore player with asio, native dsd and dsd upsampling. sweet sounding as good as bug head emperor without the long process.
IMHO it would be mighty interesting if
Nsxturbo were happy to give Windows 11 PE a try on both DIY highly optimized server and Taiko Audio SGM Extreme.