Posted 20 April 2020 - 08:00 PM
I compared the XE alone versus the FEMTO and Isolator combo.
USB cables are from my friends "Absolue Creations" (1m & 0.3m for the Isolator).
- Marcin_gps, Thuan, Lizalyc and 1 other like this
Hifi must serve the Music.
Not the opposite
Posted 22 April 2020 - 09:11 PM
Would it be sacrilegious to use the JCAT USB XE with a riser card? I mean would it negatively affect SQ?
xigmanas or local hd => Streacom FC8 PC i7 16GB RAM Windows 10, Audirvana+ / HQPlayer => optically isolated ethernet => either DSD256 => renderer HDPlex H1.S i3 8GB RAM powered by SBooster 19V with GentooPlayer (Linux), mpd+upmpdcli or NAA, ramdisk => Regen USB=> Lush^2 => SOtM tX-USBhubEX => Lush^1 => Lampizator Lite 7 Amanero or PCM 176kHz => i5 8GB Server 2016 core, AO, FP, JPLAY FEMTO => Regen USB => Lush^2 => SOtM tX-USBhubEX => Lush^1 => Audiophilleo 1 => Audio Aéro Prestige => Lightspeed Attenuator => power amp Cayin A-88T (modified) => speakers Spendor SP100 + 2x REL T5 / Taket H2 + TR2 / Hifiman HE-6; HDPlex LPSU
Posted 22 April 2020 - 09:37 PM
Posted 23 April 2020 - 08:49 AM
Would it be sacrilegious to use the JCAT USB XE with a riser card? I mean would it negatively affect SQ?
Chris Connaker is using the USB XE Card in his system with ADT-link riser cables that I suggested (they're high quality) and he wrote:
The sound is nothing but glorious.
- Thuan likes this
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 27 April 2020 - 11:33 AM
Chris Connaker!
Well done Marcin
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 30 April 2020 - 09:18 AM
Is it much better than the HDPlex riser cable?
I haven't compared, but it is likely that the ADT riser is better.
Is there any EMI shielding for Cable?
The extender utilizes the latest materials for EMI shielding with five sole flat cables design. This technique allows each cable to be fully covered by electromagnetic interference shielding with conducting polymer to guard against incoming or outgoing emissions of electromagnetic frequencies, minimize disturbance and degradation on performance, and reduce the weight of the extender.
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 06 May 2020 - 01:38 PM
Our USB Card XE gets a 'SPECIAL PERFORMER' award from Pursuit Perfect System
"remember the sonic benefits from the FEMTO USB card, the XE card does that all over again but improving every area"
Full review available here: https://www.pursuitp...-xe-review.html
- Adrian, FelipeRolim and Rob like this
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 14 May 2020 - 08:29 AM
I bought a USB XE card in Hong Kong.I removed one of the jumpers.Use ifi power to power the USB XE.
I am USB connected iFi Micro iUSB3 and then connected to DAC,But the port with the jumper removed cannot be connected to iFi Micro iUSB3. But It can be directly connected to the DAC.
I know that connecting directly to the DAC is the best.My previous USB FEMTO also removed the jumper. But it can be connected to ifi Micro iUSB3.
I want to know why the USB XE with the jumper removed cannot be connected to iFi Micro iUSB3?
If you don't use Molex connector and external power supply, will USB XE take power from PCI Express?
- Marcin_gps likes this
Posted 14 May 2020 - 08:55 AM
I bought a USB XE card in Hong Kong.I removed one of the jumpers.Use ifi power to power the USB XE.
I am USB connected iFi Micro iUSB3 and then connected to DAC,But the port with the jumper removed cannot be connected to iFi Micro iUSB3. But It can be directly connected to the DAC.
I know that connecting directly to the DAC is the best.My previous USB FEMTO also removed the jumper. But it can be connected to ifi Micro iUSB3.
I want to know why the USB XE with the jumper removed cannot be connected to iFi Micro iUSB3?
If you don't use Molex connector and external power supply, will USB XE take power from PCI Express?
After listening for several hours today, the sound is great! Very recommended to buy. No regrets.
iFi Micro iUSB3 requires 5V via USB port. if you remove jumper then the card will not output 5V via USB port and in result ifi will not get any power, so it can't work.
If no power supply is connected the the card will be powered be PCIe, but only the card - there will be no 5V via USB ports.
Thanks for the report - enjoy!
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 20 May 2020 - 09:52 AM
Hi Marcin,
XE card uses high-quality external linear power supplyif the DAC that is being fed does not need 5V power to functionDo you recommend removing the jumper on the XE card?
Yes, if DAC doesn't need 5V via USB ports then it's best to remove the jumpers.
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
Posted 21 May 2020 - 12:09 PM
Hi! Marcin,Thank you for that info.
My WS2019 singlePC has JCAT NET Card FEMTO、USB CARD XE、JCAT USB cable、and JCAT Reference SATA Cable、HD SATA CableI want to improve the sound quality again,What products do you suggest me add?(JCAT products)
The Optimo 3 Duo will offer the biggest improvement.
JPLAY for iOS: the new reference hi-fi app.
JCAT: streaming specific products for high-end audio
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