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DAC recommendations for Jplay

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#21 Marcin_gps


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Posted 26 September 2011 - 04:05 AM

Naturally synergy is very important. All the best components in the world are no good if can't 'play' together.


Anyway I'm going to meet Łukasz Fikus today (Lampizator) to hear his latest achievement. I'll report back on how it sounds :)


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#22 Marcin_gps


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Posted 29 September 2011 - 10:21 AM

Hi guys, 


The DAC shootout took place on last Monday. Lukasz brought his latest achievement, which most probably is going to be Gen4 of his Lampizator offering. Sounded wonderful, charming with the most impressive bass extension and control I've heard. I still can't get that bass out of my head - it hit the bottom of hell! And lots, lots of air! It was way better than the other DAC, modified dual mono Buffalo, also maxxed out by Lukasz. The Buffalo was quite similar to JKDAC - it was better in all departments, but overall character was the same; analytic, delicate, thin and a bit dry to my ears. But mind the price difference - the modified Buffalo was at least 5k EUR, that's 10 times the price of JKDAC, so John's converter is a real bargain if one likes its sound signature and there are people who love it. For instance, the owner of the modified Buffalo - he could have any DAC in the world. He used to own dCS Scarlatti, but switched to Buffalo... 


If you're on Facebook, here is the short report with pictures: Lampizator DAC shootout


Oh, and here's what Lukasz had to say about jplay:

 I must say your transport is mind blowing work of art. It is the most radical approach on HDD file "transport" ever and believe me - it mops the floor with any CD spinner at any price. I dont know how you guys do it but I am sure I never heard my DAC playing so well.






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#23 gammelnok



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Posted 30 September 2011 - 05:32 AM

Thanks for the write-up, Marcin.

The HDD transport used in the shootout, is that your PC as described here? 



#24 Marcin_gps


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Posted 30 September 2011 - 05:59 AM

Worse, much worse :)   Cheers,  Marcin

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#25 Marcin_gps


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Posted 30 September 2011 - 08:55 PM

Here's a very interesting DAC: AURALiC ARK MX+

Anyone heard about it? I'm very curious how that Sanctuary processor, based on a dual-core ARM9 structure with 500MIPS per core, work with jplay...



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#26 gerardhn



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Posted 01 October 2011 - 07:26 PM

Marcin,   I read the lampizator pages. Very interesting and humorous guy! Really devoted guy!   Gerard

#27 DavidFrench



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 10:41 AM

Hello, I personally found more differences with Jplay with the change of "DAC" I think it does not carry half the possibility of a DAC. Already with the quality of recordings: they are made ​​to pass on up to the system. I use a USB DAC in California (asynchron). It works very well.

#28 hugson


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Posted 28 November 2011 - 03:44 PM

DavidFrench said:


I personally found more differences with Jplay with the change of "DAC"

I think it does not carry half the possibility of a DAC.

Already with the quality of recordings: they are made ​​to pass on up to the system.

I use a USB DAC in California (asynchron). It works very well.

I wonder if different DACs suit some types of music better than others. Perhaps classical needs a different DAC to, say, rock?

#29 DavidFrench



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Posted 28 November 2011 - 03:48 PM

It will depend on the "AOP" and especially on your system. Personally, the source is important.

#30 stefaeri



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:20 PM

I think the new Beresford Bushmaster looks really promising. The Caiman G was awesome and this should be better. Will probably buy one just to try out…/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif



Edited by stefaeri, 29 November 2011 - 02:21 PM.

#31 Brumjam



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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:02 PM

Hi Marcin, I'm using a Weiss DAC202 to great effect with JPlay. I think it meets all your requirements, plus it has balanced outs should you want to move away from unbalanced in the future. Sounds great to my ears :-) Cheers, James

#32 Marcin_gps


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Posted 18 December 2011 - 11:43 PM

I'm not trading my Ibuki for anything, I love it! Just an upgrade of PSU and clock for now would be enough :) Haven't heard DAC202 myself, but I've heard few Sabre-based converters and I can imagine how it performs - not exactly my taste. It can produce great sound though, but, despite common opinions, it needs top quality transport to deliver good performance, that's according to my experiences. If anything in the chain isn't great, it'll painfully reveal it.    Cheers,  Marcin

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#33 kiskaprince


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Posted 16 February 2012 - 08:31 PM

Anyone heard APL HiFi DAC-S?? Made in Bulgaria by Alex Paychev Wonderful sounding Compared to top guns and won on every aspect   Thank you

#34 Marcin_gps


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:17 AM

What guns did you compare it to? :)

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#35 Elprior


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:01 AM

And what was the system used ? Without it, pretty much a bold statement to me :)

#36 kiskaprince


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:03 PM

It was compared to: dCs Debussy Ayre Q9 Bel Canto DAC-3 Grace m902 ($1,600) Musical Fidelity X-Dac v.8 Benchmark DAC1 USB Apogee Mini DAC PS Audio Digital Link III Benchmark DAC1 and couple more I can't recall now Couple of guys did like dCs but only by margin it should be better if you pay 5x more System used was Dynaudio Sapphire,B&W 800, Revel Studio,Gravitas NB1 Cardas Golden Reference wiring all around Placette Audio Dual Mono Active Stage Pre,BAT VK-55,SimAudio Moon W7,Ars Sonum Filarmonia There was some if's but at the end DAC-S came at the top with less fatiguing,more detailed,pin point imaging sound Highly recommended I learn over last 20+ years not to trust any reviewers but your ears Thank you

#37 Elprior


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:08 PM

Thanks for the details ! I agree 100% with you about listening for ourselves.   Guillaume

#38 kiskaprince


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:23 PM

Thank you I used to buy gear recommended by Stereophile and some other magazines Find out years later (after spending fortune) there are much better component out there that  get never mention anywhere and sound out of this world One more thing I have to say  I am into computer,Dac music (love it) all my library is on the hard drive (more then 2000+ albums) everywhere you read "they" recommend Apple computers so what do I do bought apple computer if fact I had 3 of them verdict -somebody need his ears check Win7 and lately Win8 developer version sound waaaaaaaay better then anything out there with apple Hope people will come to their senses and hear for them self what windows7 has to offer before they spend hard earn cash on any apple I notice some of you guys use AMD processors Never try it always thought Intel would be better Might do that next

#39 Elprior


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:40 PM

Well yes, you need windows to a least experiment with Jplay !   You could post pictures of your dac to the Remarkable stuff gallery thread. I opened it to show such products to the world ;)   About AMD vs Intel, I've got no clue. I have bought once an AMD processor, and wouldn't even consider buy another one again.   Guillaume

#40 kiskaprince


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Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:46 PM

Where do I do that? Can't find that galery

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