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WS2016 Core running Minimserver not detected by other PCs on network

WS2016 Core Minimserver Network

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#1 Jogar



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Posted 25 April 2018 - 09:31 PM

A WS2016 core computer was set up as a file server running AO and Minimserver but is not detected by other PCs on a workgroup home network.

WS2016 was installed in core mode, configured via sconfig, activated online, etc. 
Minimserver installed successfully (as shown in Task Manager) following AudioPhil’s 
very useful guidelines to install Java (JRE 10.0.1) using Q-Dir:
However Minimserver remains undetected by other computers on the same network
and Minimwatch or control point cannot be used. 
Although AO disables the firewall, I suspect that network discovery needs to be enabled. 
I tried netsh commands but with no success. 
In comparison, WS2012R2 in core mode works flawlessly (thanks to AudioPhil’s superb AO guidelines). 
Any help/suggestions to help fix this would be really appreciated.

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#2 taxman2


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Posted 26 April 2018 - 08:08 AM

Configure minimserver as shell with ST. Restart PC, a console of minimserver  will appear. Write props and hit enter. Now you can see what's wrong. Use minim watch from another PC to change settings.

Furman Elite (power conditioner), AO4, TC 3.1-server, Roon, HQP, fanless mini PC (Intel i7-Alderlake, 12th gen), 64GB RAM DDR4 (3200mHz), WS 2022 DataCenter core, JCAT USB XE Card, JCAT Femto Net Card, 200VA Ultra Low Noise LPS powering mini PC, 4 x 100VA Ultra Low Noise LPS powering Net, USB cards, router, switch and Singxer SU6;  Gustard A26, Audia Flight Pre Mk III (dual mono class A preamplifier), Audia Flight FL50 Mk IV(dual mono class A amplifier), Focal Electra 1028BE,1008BE, Focal Electra sub;

#3 Jogar



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Posted 26 April 2018 - 05:24 PM

Many thanks for your suggestion, taxman2. I'll try what you suggested.

#4 Jogar



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Posted 29 April 2018 - 10:21 PM

Problem solved. It was caused by Audiophile Optimizer (AO) not starting Minimserver as Shell Replacement (just a minor bug) for whatever reason. I made a full reinstall of WS2016 core, JRE, Minimserver and the latest AO 2.20. The problem persisted. To solve it, default shell was restored in ST and Minimserver was started manually using Q-Dir by right clicking the green Minimserver shortcut icon and selecting “open”. JRE could then be seen in the task manager. I can confirm that the hassle to set it up is worth every minute spent because the sound quality is out of this world.

As a result, I will shortly post the complete basic installation procedure for WS2016 core which I initially noted for my own purposes, being a total computer dumbo, so that other non-experts may be encouraged to take the jump and try a core installation. If I was able to get as far as this, it’s largely due to AudioPhil’s AO guidelines and a very good JPLAY forum for which I’m grateful.

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#5 Thuan


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Posted 30 April 2018 - 12:46 AM

Many thanks in advance, Jogar. Even with helps from several forum members, especially taxman2, I haven't been able to install MinimServer on 2016 Core.
WS2022 dual PC, AO4 beta, JPLAY Femto & iOS, Gustard X26, Singxer SU6, Khozmo passive VC, Linkwitz Pluto 2.1+

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: WS2016 Core, Minimserver, Network

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