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Mutec MC3+USB help configuring

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#1 jmmbarco


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Posted 10 July 2017 - 12:09 PM

Hi guys,


I am having a strange issue with my new unit Mutec MC3+USB interface, and I don´t know wether it is the interface or me that is faulty :angry:  :angry: I beg you guys some help.... :blink:


The setup is W10>MUTEC(USB)>DAC(SPDIF 75). Settings are:


Mode: INTERN+RE-CLK (first and third led on)

Reference: USB PCM + USB DSD/DoP (first, second and third led on)

Clock Out: (not accesible and no led on)

Clock Multipliers: from 1 to 4 set x1 (first led row on)


If I play a track in the previous mode it works but If I change in clock multipliers third colum (spdif out) to x2 or x4, foobar plays but I get no sound....so strange


Am I doing something wrong? How do you guys configure for setting for example fixed output to 24/192???


Thank a lot in advance,


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#2 jmmbarco


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Posted 10 July 2017 - 06:50 PM

Ok. I got it.

There is no upsampling when reclocking. Sample rate is only configurable when changing dsd to pcm....

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#3 GAR


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 04:46 PM

jmmbarco, could you give us your impressions of the audio quality from the Mutec? Also, can you confirm whether the configuration could go USB out from PC -> Mutec -> USB out to USB DAC (for DACs with USB interface only)?

#4 Marcin_gps


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 08:38 AM

Mutec has only one USB port that has to connect to a PC. It outputs S/PDIF or AES to a DAC. It's a USB->S/PDIF (AES) converter. 

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#5 jmmbarco


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Posted 12 January 2018 - 03:38 PM

jmmbarco, could you give us your impressions of the audio quality from the Mutec? Also, can you confirm whether the configuration could go USB out from PC -> Mutec -> USB out to USB DAC (for DACs with USB interface only)?

Sorry for the late reply. Marcin is right. I am using it as usb-aes converter . Sound quality is very verygood. I really like it.

It would be great to use it coupled to a good external clock.....



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#6 GAR


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Posted 15 January 2018 - 11:27 AM

Mutec has only one USB port that has to connect to a PC. It outputs S/PDIF or AES to a DAC. It's a USB->S/PDIF (AES) converter. 


Thanks, Marcin and jmmbarco - 



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