Well the card finally arrived and I managed to put it through a couple of initial tests yesterday. 
The packaging and overall build quality of the card is very good. It has a solid feel to it and certainly does not convey the impression of a low cost / mass production piece of electronics.
I am using the card in an intel driven Win10 Roon / HQPlayer PC, powered by an HDPlex PSU. The remainder of the signal chain consists of a Sonore MicroRendu (first generation) > Lush USB Cable > Mutec MC-3+ USB > Trinnov ST-2 > Devialet 250 Pro.
My preferred connection method between the Network Card and mR is a direct Ethernet Cat 7 cable connection via a windows network bridge across both ports of the JCAT. This was a bit of challenge given the nature of the MR and its need for a DHCP assigned IP address. Needless to say, if one follows the right sequence, it can be achieved, but can be somewhat tedious. Would definitely be beneficial if the JCAT crew could put together some additional documentation in this regard. 
So what about the SQ? Honestly, my system has never sounded better. Although I would not categorize the level of improvement as substantial, it is significant. Imaging, timing and transparency clearly benefit from the card in my system.
A thumbs up product in my opinion.