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5.1 receiver replacement

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#1 Thuan


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 04:10 AM

My 17-year old Denon receiver is giving up on me, I think. Symptoms: for the last few days the TV sound gets lost more often than I could tolerate. TV is connected to receiver via TOSLINK cable. In attempt to troubleshoot I've switched toslink cables without luck.

Anyone can please advise on what's possibly going on? At first power on, toslink connected to TV as usual, there's always sound. After a while (30 minutes approximately), suddenly no sound. If I go to Setting, Sound, fiddle with the sound choices, sound comes back for a while but not too long. Eventually I give up and select the TV speaker sound, which SQ is way lower than receiver's sound.

It drives me crazy. I'm thinking of getting a new receiver but not so sure. Any ideas?
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#2 Thuan


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Posted 11 October 2016 - 01:41 PM

Purchased a NAD receiver which is arriving today. Hoping it will solve the issue.
WS2022 dual PC, AO4 beta, JPLAY Femto & iOS, Gustard X26, Singxer SU6, Khozmo passive VC, Linkwitz Pluto 2.1+

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