Posted 09 October 2016 - 03:37 PM
Yesterday I switched my PPA PCIe/USB3-card to the new JCAT V2 Femto and I experienced a clear improvement in SQ. I'm absolutely satisfied with the upgrade, even though I have only had time to listen a few hours yet. So the card has hardly begun to give its absolute full potential yet either.
Something else I'm very satisfied with is my setup generally, especially considering how good it sounds. Not my intention to brag but yesterday I traveled to Stockholm and listened to some of the world's most famous and best headphones, the absolutely top layer with the most exclusive that comprising Audeze LCD-4, Hifiman HE1000, Pioneer SE-Master1 and Sennheiser HD800S. I had heard JPS Labs Abyss earlier, along with Audeze LCD-3 and LCD-X. Apparently my old HD800 which I bought already in December 2009 is still very good in the competitive. It depends very much on all this excellent stuff I have behind them, where among other JPlay Streamer contributes strongly. This new JCAT card raise them another notch. Fantastic. My own setup with all this special soft- and hardware is pretty hard to beat in general at least when it comes to pure SQ. Although it’s very expensive stuff I compare to, is something I also noticed, latest yesterday. It feels good when all efforts gives such a result. Thanks. 
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AudioPC: Intel S1200V3RPS, Intel Xeon E3-1230LV3, Apacer AP2GITETLQ1K3 4GB DDR3 1066 ECC DIMM,
SATA to CF Adapter with Apacer AP-CF016GRANS-ETNRC, JCAT USB Card Femto,
JCAT Reference SATA Cable, JCAT Net Card Femto
ControlPC: Intel S1200KPR, Intel Xeon E3-1265L V2, Apacer 75.A83EE.G000C 4GB DDR3 1066 ECC DIMM,
SATA to CF Adapter with Apacer AP-CF016GRANS-ETNRC (for Windows), SATA to CF Adapter with Apacer AP-CF016GRAFS-NR (for WAV-files),
JCAT Reference SATA Cable, JCAT Net Card Femto, JCAT Signature LAN Cable
Software: Windows Server 2019 Standard, Total Commander 9.21a, JPLAY 7 Femto, Audiophile Optimizer 3.00, Upplay 1.4.1
Audio equipment: JCAT Reference USB Cable, Harmony Design Pre 906, Moon Audio Silver Dragon V3 with Furutech Rhodium XLR, Sennheiser HD800