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Aurender X100(L)

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#1 AudiophileWannabe



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Posted 07 October 2014 - 09:39 PM

Has anyone compared the sound quality of an Aurender X100(L) with a PC (or pair of PCs) with JPlay, connected to the same DAC?

Edited by AudiophileWannabe, 07 October 2014 - 11:40 PM.

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#2 Marcin_gps


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Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:38 AM

Ted Brady has and his results will be posted on computeraudiophile soon ;)

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Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:58 PM

Hello everybody. Just recently we have compared an AURENDER W20 with an optimized dual-PC-setup and everybody agreed that the dual-PC-setup sounded much better than the W20! We have used two systems for the comparison: The fully active GRIMM LS1 playback-system and our large reference system (DEVIALET 800 / B&W 800 Diamond / PS Audio P10 / AUDIOQUEST). In fact the dual-PC-setup has beaten every other source we have compared it to (LINN DS / NAIM and of course every CD-player including PS AUDIO PWT memory player). To us this is right now the ultimate source for real audiophiles (and I am in this game already for more than 30 years). It is really astonishing.......

#4 wongtonypr



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Posted 11 October 2014 - 05:47 AM

DEVIALET-User said:

Hello everybody.

Just recently we have compared an AURENDER W20 with an optimized dual-PC-setup and everybody agreed that the dual-PC-setup sounded much better than the W20!

We have used two systems for the comparison: The fully active GRIMM LS1 playback-system and our large reference system (DEVIALET 800 / B&W 800 Diamond / PS Audio P10 / AUDIOQUEST).

In fact the dual-PC-setup has beaten every other source we have compared it to (LINN DS / NAIM and of course every CD-player including PS AUDIO PWT memory player).

To us this is right now the ultimate source for real audiophiles (and I am in this game already for more than 30 years). It is really astonishing.......

What is the PC that you have used to compare with the w20?

As the w20 is considered as a very hi-end sourse(also very expensive..), I am quite surprised that a pc can bit it.

What parts have you used in the PC(motherboard, cpu...)?




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Posted 11 October 2014 - 08:23 PM

Hello. The two PC's we are using have been build on FUJITSU D3062-B motherboards, INTEL i7 cpu's , SAMSUNG SSD's plus the full range of the latest JCAT products. Especially the JCAT USB card improved the SQ very much. OS 2x Windows 2012 server, AO 1.26, JPLAY dual setup, playback with JPLAY mini. All files we are using are wav. format ONLY, ripped on a special HQ ripping server made by AMI HiFi. But please note that we are using a PS AUDIO P10 power generator plus high quality power cables equipped with FURUTECH's top range series 50 connectors for the PC's powersupply, too. Moreover we place the PC's on a very good HiFi rack (ARTESANIA Exoteryc). Finally it seems as if the DEVIALET USB input matches perfectly with the JCAT USB card. Besides, the 5V power can be switched OFF as the DEVIALET does not require it. This might be an advantage, too. Maybe we simply had good luck to find such a marvelous setup. In Dubio Pro Audio Jan

Edited by DEVIALET-User, 11 October 2014 - 10:31 PM.

#6 Marcin_gps


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 06:54 AM

DEVIALET-User, even if Devialet USB input does not require 5V, it is beneficial for the JCAT USB card to have high quality 5V PSU connected :)   Cheers,  Marcin 

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Posted 13 October 2014 - 02:54 PM

Hello Marcin. That's for sure. But what I meant is that it is supposed to be beneficial for the SQ if the one USB-cable doesn't have to carry any 5 Volts powersupply parallel to the signals! In Dubio Pro Audio Jan

Edited by DEVIALET-User, 13 October 2014 - 07:31 PM.

#8 Marcin_gps


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Posted 13 October 2014 - 05:31 PM

Yes, because the card alone benefits from cleaner power. 

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