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#1 The Chaplin (Peter C)

The Chaplin (Peter C)

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Posted 17 March 2014 - 07:54 PM

Anyone heard the T+A DAC 8 ? Tried it with JPlay ?

Edited by The Chaplin (Peter C), 17 March 2014 - 09:02 PM.

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[JPlay FemtoServer][BubbleUPnP(Andriod)][ControlPC XM21M(@16v) Shuttle xh61v i7-3770t PX-128M5M Lan x2][WinServer 2012R2][JPlay 7Dalt KS Direct DACLink 1000Hz Clock 0.5ms AO 1.40][cat8@1Gb 3m][Cisco 2960G-8TC-L][cat8@1Gb 1m][AudioPC XM21M(@12.3v) picoPSU-160-XT Streacom FC5 B75MR2.0 Intel i7-3770t@1.6GHz JCat Usb][WinServer2012 R2 AO 1.40][CustomUSBcable no+5v][Auralic Vega filter 1, exact clock][Van Damme StarQuad Gold Neutrik XLR][ATC SCM40A][vdh 1st ultimate][Stax SRM313 SR007A][LAT & Custom Power Cables][2 Separate Ring Mains Filtered]


#2 adosero



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Posted 14 February 2015 - 12:05 PM

Hi, I recently purchased T+A Dac 8 and completed setup on my dual pc server. Drivers are compatible with WS 2012, hibernate works, everything seems flawless. However when you skip the track ("space") or stop the playback ("m") on mini player, Jplay stops working (KS is no longer active) and you need to reboot the audio pc.  Do you have any idea why this may happen? Thanks a lot.

Hdplex H1S Case | Apacer Safd 25p OS SSD | PPA Red Slim Sata | Samsung 840 Pro Music SSD | Crucial LP 1.35v Ram | PPA USB V2 | AO 1.30 | Custom LPSU 12V-5V

T+A Elektroakustik Dac 8 | AtlasHyper XLR | Vincent MK-238 | Townshend DCT Isolda | Kef LS-50

#3 Josef


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:28 PM

Have you tried with e.g. ULTRAStream or River? (Some drivers are not compatible with Xtream Engine)

#4 adosero



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Posted 14 February 2015 - 04:46 PM

Actually Xtream is the only engine working. Ultrastream does not initiate and others give asio int. error.  Changing Xtream settings maybe?

Hdplex H1S Case | Apacer Safd 25p OS SSD | PPA Red Slim Sata | Samsung 840 Pro Music SSD | Crucial LP 1.35v Ram | PPA USB V2 | AO 1.30 | Custom LPSU 12V-5V

T+A Elektroakustik Dac 8 | AtlasHyper XLR | Vincent MK-238 | Townshend DCT Isolda | Kef LS-50

#5 Josef


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 05:02 PM

Sure - Try smaller XtreamSize but if River Engine does not work then I'm afraid it may not help. If so, stay tuned for JPLAY 6 Beta (most likely coming next week) as several things have changed and hopefully that may help... 

#6 adosero



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Posted 14 February 2015 - 05:15 PM

No, didn't help either.. Thanks Josef anyway..

It's funny becouse if I don't skip any track I can listen to a full album without any problem.. /wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif

Hdplex H1S Case | Apacer Safd 25p OS SSD | PPA Red Slim Sata | Samsung 840 Pro Music SSD | Crucial LP 1.35v Ram | PPA USB V2 | AO 1.30 | Custom LPSU 12V-5V

T+A Elektroakustik Dac 8 | AtlasHyper XLR | Vincent MK-238 | Townshend DCT Isolda | Kef LS-50

#7 Josef


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 09:17 PM

OK - Definitely sounds like a driver issue - as I said wait for Beta or just contact me on support@jplay.eu for a preview version if you're impatient :)

#8 Holger



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Posted 09 March 2015 - 10:56 PM

First of all congrats to your buy. I had the T&A DAC 8 for one week in my setup and to me it seems the best buy in the 2000 Euro class by quite a far wide margin. I could easily live with it, if there hasn't been the problem with its async usb2 port which I couldn't get to work with jplay. Therefore I could only use the usb1 port which is restricted to 16bit/44 files. However, sound quality when using a decent usb cable (i.e. Audioquest Cinnamon or Carbon) was still very good.   It may not help you, but I can assure, that jplay 5.2.1 is capable to work flawlessly with the T&A DAC 8. I think I've tested all important settings as well as all engines. So this may be a driver problem as Josef supposed. Hopefully, you get your problems solved.

#9 adosero



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Posted 14 March 2015 - 12:44 PM

Thank you Holger.. Driver issues solved thanks to Jplay6 (and to Josef of course :) Im truly impressed by T+A Dac8, what a well designed piece of equipment..
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Hdplex H1S Case | Apacer Safd 25p OS SSD | PPA Red Slim Sata | Samsung 840 Pro Music SSD | Crucial LP 1.35v Ram | PPA USB V2 | AO 1.30 | Custom LPSU 12V-5V

T+A Elektroakustik Dac 8 | AtlasHyper XLR | Vincent MK-238 | Townshend DCT Isolda | Kef LS-50

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